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What we stand for

Consortium of Women Entrepreneurs of India – was registered in 1996, as a civil society, not for profit, Technical organization, with a mandate to work in the sub-continent. CWEI is accredited to Govt. of India and the UN System.

This organisation has been a Member of National Board, Ministry of MSME and is working closely with other ministries and State Institutions in the PPP mode to support Economic Empowerment through Income Generating and Self Employment Activities of the weaker sections of society, women, youth and their families. As Knowledge Partners we provide sustainable Enterprises run by women providing them End to End solutions  in India and the developing world



Cwei strongly claims to have achieved success in motivating women to opt for entrepreneurship as a challenging career – the only answer to eradication of Poverty & unemployment. Outreach Entrepreneurship & Skill Development trainings (ESDP), financial inclusion, mentoring, handholding, technology transfer and Marketing services are being provided to set up enterprises amongst women minorities, SC and Tribals in various states in the country.




SAWE, the International Wing of CWEI, was launched, with the help of UN Women in 1996. The Objective was to reach every corner of the country, SAARC & Asia Pacific region & the developing world. We deliver technological know how, new design techniques, skill development and training by acting as a catalyst providing all escort services leading to higher productivity, competitive prices and monitoring stringent quality control.



MOHA -TM, is the marketing centre, an initiative to provide sales and showcase products for market linkages, product development and design, build alliances and network with other women entrepreneurs globally.



IWEM&C - International Women Entrepreneurs Meet & Conference the annual event of Consortium of Women Entrepreneurs of India was initiated in 1996 by UN Women in South Asia. It has been a successful Endeavour and has partnered with our focal points in almost 42 countries around the globe within 20+ years of our fruitful existence.

IWEM&C highlights issues pertaining to marketing, finance, training, product design and development and a host of other critical problems in order to bring the issues to the notice of policy makers, implementing agencies and women entrepreneurs themselves forming fruitful alliances and a chain of networks.

We have participated in International Trade shows in-----------

Cwei: As e-Governance

Representation in the various Govt. policy makes bodies for promotion of MSME in India. Facilitates dissemination of timely information on policies, implementation and monitoring govt. schemes and programs for sustainable growth of Enterprises.

Cwei:   As e- Women

Today we are living in the age of Internet, which represent a significant amount of opportunities and frontiers in the field of commerce. A paradigm shift in the industry has created significant opportunities for earning more revenue, through the emergence of ICT.

Cwei helps in achieving E-commerce or Electronic Commerce by its global information transformation system and with its web portal. E-commerce refers to the Buying and selling of products and services online. Cwei having the power of using digital information to understand the needs and preferences of consumers and partners, institutions, voluntary organization and self enterprises and to thereby customizes products and services to suit the requirement of the consumers through E-commerce buying and selling of products and services can be done quickly, through the internet.

Cwei: Mission Statement …….. !

To motivate the New Generation, Youth& Women to opt for Entrepreneurship as a challenging career - the only answer to unemployment.
Cwei: “Mantra” …….. !

Integrated Marketing linked with Product Development & Designing.

Cwei: As Nodal Agency

- is a technical and professional organization
- Consists of NGOs, Self Help groups, Institutions & Entrepreneurs
- Also promotes Voluntarism & Social Entrepreneurship
Recognized as the NODAL AGENCY by Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India to organize various Economic Activities in the country. Declared as Women Empowerment Year 2001.

Cwei Objectives:

• Acts as a spring board for Enterprise Development.
• Committed to work for the economic empowerment of women & their families, youth, artisans underprivileged,
tribal and backward sections of the society through income generating activities with an integrated & Holistic approach.

• Acts as a catalyst to:
  - improve access to natural resources
  - provide technological support in product & design development with all escort services, such as packaging and
Quality control
  - link up with credit facilities
  - Ultimately explore Marketing linkages very crucial for sustainable development.

• Facilitates dissemination of information to the target groups thereby implementing and monitoring Govt.
Schemes and programs to raise their living standards.
• Representation in the policy making body in Ministry of MSME, Govt. of India.

To motivate the New Generation, Youth & Women to opt for Entrepreneurship as a challenging career - the only answer to unemployment.

Our Mission

Our Mantra

To motivate the Youth and Women to opt for Entrepreneurship as a challenging career & be self reliant - the answer the problem of unemployment & poverty


Our Vision

To reach the unreached and elevate the Nation from within

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